Now this was a hilarious movie that I've watched at least a dozen times.
This is actually my most favorite Bill Murray to Stripes of course.
It's about a guy named Wallace Richie who goes to visit his successful brother in the U.K. on a surprise visit.
They have an important business meeting,and have to get rid of Wallace for the night.So they sign him up for the "Theatre Of Life," which promises to treat the participant as a character in a crime drama.Little does he know that there is a set of events taking place,and gets sidetracked into a real life spy situations involving the Russians.He has no clue everthing around him is for real,but he plays along as if though everything is no more than a highschool play.
This movie is full of laughs,and Bill Murray rocked in this movie.
Definately watch..and most definately get this flick for your collection.